Monday, August 10, 2009


I love to dance but I also love to talk and I'm usually disappointed when a wedding reception doesn't allow me to do both.

Our compromise was a harpist and cellist for cocktails and dinner followed by a DJ playing 80s dance music for the final ninety minutes.

Several people thanked us during dinner and said how much they enjoyed chatting with their friends with music as background.

We were lucky enough to find a space that allowed guests to move about freely after dinner. We did a dessert buffet and let guests mingle outside (it was a beautiful June night) or sit in a large living room while the dancers took over the ballroom. I thought this worked pretty well.

The dance floor had its share of couples but it was mostly group dances to songs like "It's Raining Men" and "Time Warp." Many of my college friends came without their spouses (we went to a women's college and we like our girls' weekends plus, the guys had to stay home to watch the kids) . I was excited when all of the other women (and a few brave men)joined in the dancing. We had a blast.

In selecting our 80s music, our DJ gave us the opportunity to list our "must plays" and our "must not plays." When my fiance and I compared lists, we found some of my "must plays" on his "must not play" list and vice versa. We compromised (he would say that he gave in). It worked perfectly.

What are your thoughts about music?

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